As we welcome your child into the Hayutin family, we want to learn as much as possible about them as a thinker, a learner, and a person. Everything from academic history and learning profile to personality traits and hobbies is considered carefully when choosing the right educator match. We quickly establish bonds of genuine interest and trust to form a clear interpersonal sense of your child and to gain student input and emotional buy-in. When an in-person intake is not viable, we are happy to schedule a lengthy phone or Zoom intake instead.

 Our intake process includes:

  • Confidential review of educational testing
  • Consultation with existing team of allied professionals
  • Review of past work samples and current workload
  • Formulation of academic goals and expectations for our services

group of educators


Because a unified, team approach promotes cooperation and mutual understanding, we foster a clear understanding between parents, students, and tutors and set shared expectations and goals at school and at home. Our communications process includes: 

  • Biweekly session summary notes emailed to parents and designated recipients
  • Clinical supervision provided to your student’s tutor by Hayutin directors
  • Academic resources, tech tools, and supplemental curricular recommendations
  • Ongoing family consulting and liaising with school contacts when requested
  • Informed referrals for allied professional services as needed