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Thanksgiving Activities

November 22nd, 2022

Whether you have family in town, are traveling to the in-laws, or keeping it simple this Thanksgiving, these activities are bound to keep the kids entertained.

Work Together

Kids can work together to create a Rube Goldberg Machine. These machines can be simple (have a ball travel across a room to knock over a cup) or complicated (can you turn the lights off?). This activity is scalable to any age! 



Help With Cooking

The table can fit just one more dish! Recipes with few ingredients are great options for younger children, and no bake means there’s less to cram in the oven. For older kids, see if they’d like to handle a bigger-ticket item – mashed potatoes, pie, or a turkey-shaped dip!


Create a Masterpiece

No Thanksgiving dinner is complete without an elegantly set table.. right? Get the kids involved by letting them decorate the table and even create the seating chart!

Bonus: some children might prefer assembling centerpieces. Pick up flowers from your grocery store or let them gather greenery from outside!


Make Some Noise

There cannot be a way to make the house more chaotic. Wrong! Reuse cleaned cans from all your cooking to create drums. Music and art, all in one!



Expel Some Energy

While Turkey Trots are classic, sometimes we need to get moving after our Thanksgiving feast. Younger children enjoy scavenger hunts with pictures as their guide. Kick the Can is another great (outdoor) option, and something the whole family can play!


We hope these ideas will help to inspire shared moments with your family. Happy Thanksgiving!

~Katie Grantham, M.A.

Program Coordinator, Hayutin Education

Posted in the category Parenting Tips.