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Virtual Learning Guide

March 25th, 2020

student virtual learning

During this time of uncertainty, we want to do everything we can to support a smooth transition to digital learning for your student(s). Below, please find a curation of free recommended resources across many subject areas. Many are organized by user age ranges, when relevant. In addition, please check out our Pinterest page for even more tips and tools as well as Common Sense Media for coverage and resources for families during this difficult time.

Here are a few best practices for virtual tutoring sessions:

  1. Be fully present and request that students do the same (i.e. find a quiet space free from distractions, use headphones, have an adult/caretaker be present during sessions for elementary-age students etc.).
  2. Set clear expectations from the get-go and pre-plan breaks.
  3. Conduct constant checks for knowledge to ensure understanding.
  4. Ask for feedback from students regarding what methods/resources are most helpful and what needs to be tweaked to maximize learning.

Video Conferencing / Distance Learning Platforms & Tools

Curriculum Resources

Writing Resources

Foreign Language Resources

Science & Social Science Resources

Mindfulness/Meditation Resources


~Dana Musulin
Director, Hayutin & Associates

Posted in the category Virtual Learning.